Edition 9

A 9-year-olds thoughts on education marketing

Written by
Ridhima &
Nov 2, 2023

A 9 year old's thoughts in edition 9? Sweet.

Hello there! I’d like to think we’ve become friends. Maybe not Facebook official, but close enough.

This month’s edition of (Ed)vertise is a little… different. 😏

At the time of writing, this newsletter is the 9th edition of our (really cool) newsletter series. 

Come to think of it, you’ve already received 8 newsletters from me, and I have yet to introduce myself. (That’s my bad 😐).

For those of you who only know me as the random red-head girl from South Africa who sends monthly resources, hi! I’m Jayde. (Your friendly neighborhood spiderman ed marketer) I’m the Creative Strategist and Content Writer over at Pink Orange.

I’m not your traditional marketer. Basically, what I mean is that writing chose me. (deep, I know). As a late-diagnosed ADHD millennial with an affinity for believing that I am capable of everything, I spent the first part of my career trying a little bit of everything, from sales to management - and everything in between. Of course, I grew bored, really quickly. Nothing seemed to scratch that proverbial itch.

That was until I was pulled into a room full of marketers experiencing a creative drought. After spewing a few random ideas, and offering to write the campaign, copy - and design creatives, I thought to myself, “Hey, this is pretty cool, let’s do this next”.

💃 And so - I did.

I joined the education marketing sector with one goal: To write for the world’s brightest minds.

But, enough about me. Let’s get back to business!

2022 was a wild ride, to say the least. I mean, I could go into detail, but who has the time or inclination to rehash a year of absurdity?

The team at Pink Orange grew, we experienced greatness, learned a lot, and shared it with you - our marketing bestie. So - this month, we’ve decided to feature the best of 2022, with a few added bonuses. 

This is what you can expect from this month’s edition of (Ed)vertise:

✌🏽️Blog post: Real & unplugged: The Opinions of Gen Alpha (my perspective as a mother, who also happens to be an ed marketer with a serious interest in generational marketing) 

🥇Best Ebooks of 2022: From the Psychology of Marketing to Social Algorithms, all the way back to good ol’ lead nurturing. These are the resources you need to read! (or listen to, your choice) 

👪Infographic: Generational marketing - because we get it. We’ll show you how to market to the 3 most “valuable” generations. 

😌Bonus worksheet: Paid advertising metrics checklist - and some expert advice about what to do when you miss your target. 

P.S. Things in South Africa are wild (excuse the pun) at the moment. Make my day, distract me, be the reason that I laugh today, and hit me up with your best meme.

Gen Alpha is wild.

Sure, my opinion is laced with bias here considering my firstborn is 9 years old - but Gen Alpha is quite possibly the generation that will grow to save us all.

They’re a generation that has learned how to express themselves.

🥹A generation who have been allowed to cry.

🧘A generation who have experienced true love and healing.

🤳A generation born out of virtual connection and innovation.

🌱A generation that chooses to focus on personal growth and development.

They’re passionate, wise, and diverse. They're advocates for a future we could only hope to dream of.

Most of all, they have an opinion now.

Gen Alpha has a lot to say - if we let them.

As marketers, we’re in the (opportunistic) position to listen. Really and truly hear what this generation is saying now. If we do, if we take this opportunity today to observe, respect, and admire the next generation of students - we can and will change the face of education marketing. 

<a href="https://www.pink-orange.co.uk/blog/unplugged-what-we-can-learn-from-genalpha" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”> Read my thoughts, will you?</a>

Best Ebooks of 2022

I’ll be honest, it was pretty hard to choose the top 3 - so, in true Pink Orange style, we let the data do the talking.

🎉 Here are the top 3 free ebooks of 2022! 🎉

1. The Psychology of Marketing, Pt.2

The idea of implementing a campaign that seeks to educate and inform creates an inherent ethical high ground requiring a certain level of transparency, trust building, and openness. Marketers can deliberately employ Psychology to influence the decisions they want consumers to make. It’s pretty easy actually! 

<a href="https://www.pink-orange.co.uk/subscriber-resources?submissionGuid=fbc61388-744c-4846-a65f-0b312dad13af" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”> Download </a>

2. A guide to understanding social media algorithms

Love or hate them, social algorithms are here to stay and serve a purpose. For some ed marketers, the algorithm represents a challenge to be solved, a 5000-piece jigsaw puzzle built upside down. Most marketers chase the elusive algorithm, wasting time and resources trying to hack them. Social algorithms aren’t as mysterious or vindictive as you might think.

<a href="https://www.pink-orange.co.uk/subscriber-resources?submissionGuid=fbc61388-744c-4846-a65f-0b312dad13af" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”> Download </a>

3. A guide to lead nurturing for education marketers

Student leads don’t convert overnight. The sales cycle of the average student can take as long as a year. It’s important to remember that you’re selling them their future - not a product that they can return if they are not satisfied - which is exactly why a lead nurturing strategy is crucial for all ed(tech) marketers.

<a href="https://www.pink-orange.co.uk/subscriber-resources?submissionGuid=fbc61388-744c-4846-a65f-0b312dad13af" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”> Download </a>

Paid advertising metrics checklist

And what to do when you miss the mark 

Whether you’re just starting out, your campaigns are in desperate need of some TLC, or you’re just curious. These are the metrics that matter. ✅

Defining your key metrics is the foundation of a great campaign. How else can you define its success? 

🤷 Sometimes though, things don’t go according to plan. It happens to the best of us.

We’ve created a simple checklist for you, the esteemed ed marketer, that helps you define your key metrics and offers advice for those times when you miss your target.

<a href="https://www.pink-orange.co.uk/subscriber-resources" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”> Download the checklist</a>

BONUS FEATURE: Because, why not?

Generational marketing: The ed marketers' perspective 

A diamond is forever, but a generation isn't.

A generation is only as young as its youngest member (or oldest, depending on how you look at it). This can make them hard to market to -- particularly when selling education. 

It all comes down to your strategy and knowledge of each generation's characteristics, traits, preferences, and pet peeves.

I mean, think about it…

Your parents wouldn’t respond to a trending TikTok ad, as much as you may not respond to an advertisement in the local newspaper. 🤔

We’ve broken it down for you so that you don’t have to.

<a href="https://www.pink-orange.co.uk/subscriber-resources" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”> Download the infographic </a>

BONUS BONUS Feature: Because, what is life without a good meme?

Until next time,

Your friend in marketing,

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