Edition 5

Let’s hack an algorithm!

Written by
Ridhima &
Jul 28, 2023

Okay, you might not be able to hack it as much as you can leverage it. 😏

Welcoming a new month changes as we get older, mostly because we're so overwhelmed by the fact that time is quite literally flying by. 

Sure, the year has been manic - a world gone mad at every turn. But as they say, tough times don’t last - tough people do. And we know that ed marketers are some of the toughest around! Hopefully, this newsletter will brighten up your month by teaching you everything you need to know about social media algorithms, and how to leverage (not hack) them - for your institution or education company!

Say hello to social media algorithms. 

Love them or hate them, they’re here to stay and serve a purpose. 

For some ed marketers, the algorithm represents a challenge to be solved, a 5000-piece jigsaw puzzle built upside down (while blindfolded). However, most marketers, institutions, and brands spend their time chasing the elusive algorithm, trying to figure out how to hack it, understand it - replicate it, or all of the above. For some - the algorithm is the bad guy in the story, the goblin lying in wait to eat their social efforts for breakfast.

For the typical social media user, algorithms may appear useful and generally safe as they sort through the content and present only "relevant" stuff instead of random posts.

That said - marketers who don’t fully comprehend what algorithms are or how they work will find themselves facing a constant struggle.

The good news?

Social algorithms aren’t as mysterious or vindictive as you might think. Understanding the systems in place to manage the visibility of your content is no longer optional; it is a necessity.

Here’s what you can expect from this month's edition of (Ed)vertise!

💥A crash course on viral marketing - and why it shouldn’t be on your to-do list.

🧘🏽‍♀️A downloadable guide dedicated to interpreting, understanding, and working with social media algorithms.

😎A short and sweet guide to our top 4 social platforms - with a sample strategy too.

Too busy to read the resources? We’ve made our ebooks more accessible by launching (Pod)vertise - an ed marketing-specific podcast!

<a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/0n4ViuerZGYv5MOoZlID2r?si=d14ff6f7ff734f6a" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”>Listen on Spotify</a>

We don't blame you if you're still itching for your brand to "go viral”, constantly checking your notifications and updates for good news.

If you’re an institution or brand on social, this is a fairly common aspiration.


Well, it’s simple really. Most brands have a legitimate desire to reach as many prospects as possible - more notably, for those prospects to consume, share - and engage with their content.

But does it still make sense in today's world to chase trends and the possibility of going viral? Surely - social media should form a part of your greater marketing funnel.

We can understand if you’re attracted to the idea of viral marketing. Who wouldn't want to see their content spread organically on the web, shared by strangers, and appreciated by prospects? 

We thought we loved the idea too - that is until we discovered that a single successful viral initiative won't help you achieve your digital marketing objectives.

We’ve got the answers to your burning questions about going viral!


<a href="https://www.pink-orange.co.uk/blog/viral-marketing-isnt-a-strategy-its-an-outcome" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”>This blog has the answers</a>

Before the switch to algorithms, most social media feeds displayed posts in reverse chronological order.

Basically, the newest posts from accounts a user followed showed up first. Many social networks still give users the option to view their feeds in chronological order! 

However, social media algorithms automatically decide which information to show you based on your behavior.

For instance, Facebook or Twitter might prioritize content from your closest friends and family because they are the accounts you engage with the most in your feed.

Seems simple enough, right?

Everything so far undoubtedly appears simple. So what's all the fuss about algorithms?

Well, the impact that algorithms have on reach is a big part of the reason why they are so contentious.

Algorithms aren't always flawless, spoiler alert. Not by any means.

<a href="https://www.pink-orange.co.uk/subscriber-resources" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”>Free ebook, anyone?</a>

Not all algorithms are created equally

Understanding platform-specific preferences so you can make the most of your choices.  

Social media algorithms are as simple as they are complex. It’s a beast that’s beyond measure - and to make matters worse, it evolves - partly due to how it works! AKA - form follows function. 

By now we know that the function of the algorithm is to deliver relevant content to users. But beyond that, if we diver under the hood that is the algorithm - you’ll find a bit more. 

Algorithms involve machine learning and data science. They’re capable of parsing data and ranking posts based on criteria that, quite honestly, the average marketer will probably never truly understand.

Social media algorithms have a job to do. You - and your content are the resources and tools that it needs to complete its task. Once you reframe your mindset - you’ll be better equipped to be a useful tool, and in turn - reach the right audience. 

Think of your social media platforms as fruit. One is an apple, sweet and delicious. Another could be a banana - distinct in taste, yet equally palatable. While they differ considerably - both serve the same purpose, and that is to nourish its consumer.

The same can be said for each platform’s algorithm! Each has its objective - and therefore, its algorithm.

Here’s what you need to know! 

<a href="https://www.pink-orange.co.uk/subscriber-resources" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”>Download the infographic</a>

Until next time,

Your Pink Orange Team

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