What Independent Schools can learn from Higher Ed Marketing

September 25, 2024

Jayde Robertson

With competition for student enrollment heating up, independent schools are (quickly) realizing that the old “set-it-and-forget-it” marketing approach just won’t cut it anymore. Universities, especially those deep in the trenches of global recruitment, have cracked the code with techniques that could seriously level up how independent schools present themselves.

From branding to digital engagement, universities have some golden strategies worth borrowing.

Sure, the two sectors aren’t exactly twins, but are they really that different? The overlap between universities and independent schools opens up some pretty exciting opportunities for growth. Let’s dive into what independent schools can learn from the higher education marketing playbook.

Branding: It’s an identity, not just a logo

Universities know that a brand is so much more than just a pretty logo. They invest in crafting a full identity—a vibe, if you will—that reflects their values, their community, and their achievements. Independent schools often get stuck in the aesthetic lane, focusing on things like logos and colors instead of creating an identity that truly resonates. The best brands tell a story, stir up emotions, and make people feel like they belong. That’s the kind of branding independent schools need to aim for—something that speaks to both the heart and the head.

Instead of getting too caught up in visuals, ask yourself: what really defines your school? Is it the way you nurture students? Leadership development? A rich history of academic achievement? These deeper elements are what give universities their marketing edge, and independent schools can use the same playbook to stand out.

Authenticity is key here. If your brand feels too manufactured or overly polished, it’s not going to hit home with parents. They’re looking for transparency and real values. The more your brand feels genuine and aligned with your school’s mission, the stronger your pull will be.

Personalized communication: Stop shouting, start speaking

Universities have mastered the art of personalized marketing—sending targeted emails, tailored ads, and content that hits the right notes for each prospective student. Independent schools often take a broad-brush approach, missing the chance to form those deep, one-on-one connections.

Personalization in your outreach can be a game-changer. Parents are juggling endless choices, so when a school takes the time to acknowledge their concerns—whether it’s about class sizes or extracurriculars—they notice. Personalized marketing creates the sense that your school understands their child’s unique needs, which builds trust.

In today’s world, parents don’t just appreciate personalization—they expect it. If your marketing isn’t speaking directly to them, it’s not speaking at all.

Content marketing: Less selling, more helping

Universities have nailed content marketing. Blogs, videos, webinars—they do it all to stay top-of-mind with prospective students. Independent schools can no longer rely on brochures and open days alone. The key is to create valuable, educational content that answers the burning questions parents have well before they book a visit.

Whether it’s a blog post explaining the admissions process or a video that gives a glimpse into pupil life, content marketing lets you build a relationship with parents before they even set foot on campus. It’s not about hard selling—it’s about showing that you’re here to help, and that goes a long way in building trust.

The best content doesn’t sell, it educates. When independent schools switch to this mindset, parents stop seeing them as just another school and start seeing them as partners in their child’s future.

SEO: Being found in the digital crowd

Universities understand that if you’re not ranking well on Google, your marketing efforts are a bit like shouting into the void. Independent schools often overlook the power of SEO, missing out on being discovered by parents who are searching for exactly what they offer.

Having a website is great, but if it doesn’t show up when parents type in things like “best independent schools” or “private schools in London,” you’re losing out. SEO isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing commitment to make sure your school’s website is visible and relevant.

If parents can’t find you online, you’re essentially invisible. Investing in SEO is investing in your school’s future.

Leverage your alumni network

Universities are brilliant at tapping into their alumni networks, using them as ambassadors to attract new students. Independent schools? Not so much. But alumni can be a powerful part of your marketing toolkit.

Sharing stories of successful alumni doesn’t just offer social proof; it creates a roadmap for prospective families. Seeing real-world examples of how your school helped shape someone’s future makes the decision to enroll much easier.

Alumni success stories are marketing gold. Nothing says “we deliver” like real-life proof of your school’s promise coming true.

Social media: Show, don’t tell

Universities are pros at using social media to showcase campus life—authentic snapshots of what it’s like to be part of their community. Independent schools can do the same, and even better if they focus on showing what makes the day-to-day special.

Instead of sticking to the big events, why not give a peek into everyday life? Whether it’s a classroom in action or a fun school trip, social media is your chance to show parents what brochures can’t.

In a digital-first world, schools without a lively, engaging social media presence can seem out of touch. Don’t be that school.

Virtual tours and digital events: The new norm

Universities were quick to pivot to virtual tours and online open days when the world went digital. Independent schools should absolutely be offering the same. For families that can’t visit in person, virtual tours are an essential first step.

It also gives busy parents flexibility. Virtual doesn’t replace in-person visits, but it offers an immersive introduction that can spark interest and set the stage for a real-life tour.

If you’re not offering a digital window into your school, you’re missing a huge opportunity. Virtual tours should be a staple in your marketing toolkit.

Independent school marketing has evolved. Have you? 

Independent schools stand to gain a lot from borrowing marketing tactics developed in higher education. Branding, personalization, SEO, alumni engagement—these strategies work for universities, and with a little tailoring, they can work wonders for independent schools, too.

The key? Don’t see marketing as a one-and-done task. It’s an evolving, dynamic process. The schools that adapt, innovate, and engage will be the ones that thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

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